Almaty, Kazakhstan 18-19 of september 2019
Two-day workshop in English and Russian on IPSAS accruals
IPSAS Workshop
Russin & English (Origine)
The course will aim to give a high-level introduction to IPSAS accrual with the focus on key Standarts.

One of the most demanded trainerinernationaly

Wayne Bartlett is an experienced accountant with 25 years post-qualification experience in both the UK and, over the past fifteen years, internationally. He has worked extensively in IPSAS in both its cash and accruals forms. He is regularly employed in this capacity for the IMF, for whom he is regularly retained as an expert, and has also worked in an advisory capacity for the World Bank, AusAid and the UK’s Department for International Developments. He has advised 20 different countries on aspects of their IPSAS implementation policy and had undertaken detailed reviews on their progress to date. He is currently advising several countries in Asia and Africa on their IPSAS policies. He has developed and delivered IPSAS training courses in many countries and his direct IPSAS experience includes assignments in Turkey, Nepal, Lao PDR, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Malaysia, the Philippines, the Maldives, the Gambia, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Bhutan, Vietnam and a number of Caribbean States.
Wayne has also authored CPA Ireland’s online IPSAS Diploma and is a regular article writer for a range of accounting bodies and the accounting press. He is Chair of CPA Ireland’s IPSAS Advisory Board which proactively monitors developments in IPSAS and responds to pronouncements from the international IPSAS Board including Exposure Drafts for new Standards. He has also worked widely as a class-room trainer in IPSAS and other accounting frameworks such as IFRS and US GAAP.
18 and 19 September 2019, 10.00 a.m. to 07.00 p.m.
Day #1
An introduction to IPSAS Financial Reports 10:00
Classroom-based lectures will be reinforced by brief case studies to reinforce learning. The sessions will be as follows:
- An introduction to IPSAS Financial Report;
- An Introduction to Asset Accounting Under IPSAS;
- An Introduction to Accounting for Income, Expenditure and Liabilities Under IPSAS;
- Other Important IPSAS Standards.
Session 2: An Introduction to Asset Accounting Under IPSAS 14 :00
A significant number of IPSAS’ relate to accounting for different types of assets. This Session will concentrate on those which are likely to be of mainstream interest to a wide range of attendees: this inevitably means that it will not be possible to discuss all the Standards related to assets in this Session. The key Standards focused on will be as follows:
- IPSAS 17: Property, Plant and Equipment
- IPSAS 31: Intangible Assets
- IPSASs 21 and 26: Impairment of Non-Cash and Cash Generating Assets
- IPSAS 12: Inventories
- IPSAS 13: Leases
Day #2
Session 3: An Introduction to Accounting for Income, Expenditure and Liabilities Under IPSAS 10:00
There are fewer Standards to cover in these areas but those there are can be very important. The key topics covered in this Session will be as follows:
- IPSAS 9: Revenue from Exchange Transactions
- IPSAS 23: Revenue from Non-Exchange Transactions
- Some General Cross-cutting Issues on Expenditure
- IPSAS 39: Employee Benefits
- IPSAS 19: provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
Session 4: Other Important IPSAS Standards 14:00
This Session will cover a number of areas that are cross-cutting and at the same time of overall generic importance. This will consist of the following:
- IPSASs 34 and 35: Separate and Consolidated Financial Statements
- IPSAS 4: The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates
- IPSAS 14: Events After the Reporting Date
- IPSAS 20: Related Party Disclosures
- IPSAS 42: Social Benefits
Tickets are limited
2 Day
Price Full days-
Coffe-breaks & Lunch included
2 Day
Price Full days-
Coffe-breaks & Lunch included
There are 40 standards currently in place, a detailed exposition of all of them is not a viable option in the limited time available. Rather, the focus will be on those IPSAS’ that are likely to be of most interest to a wide range of trainees, concentrating on key Standards.