A Board of up to twelve members is elected from within the membership. Members elected to the Board serves the period between one General meeting to the next (normally a 4-year term). Each Board member represents a jurisdiction, and a representative is appointed as a Director of the Board.
The President and Deputy President are elected from within the Board and serve one-half of the period between one General meeting and the next, respectively (normally a 2-year term). With the consensus of the Board, the Deputy President steps up as the next President, and a new Deputy President is elected from within the Board. The President is known as an ex-officio of the Board and chairs the Board meetings and general meetings of AER.
The Board is empowered to devise strategies to help achieve AER’s objectives, including taking decisions on management related matters. The Board is assisted by a Governance & Audit Committee and two working committees focused on the areas of developing professional accountancy organisations and public sector financial management.
Board members list – 2019